Spam mails hidden and black listed not deleted.

Troubleshooting and help for Benign.
Rattled Rabbit
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:06 pm

Spam mails hidden and black listed not deleted.

Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:15 pm

I just installed MW on my new computer and now even though i have turned off hide mails I am not seeing anything in MW yet when i wash mail i see loads of spam in my spam folders.
On my old PC i saw the spam mails in MW and could blacklist and delete them before they got into outlook.

I am manually blacklisting emails with wildcards and ticked the delete black listed but they are still getting through. What setting am i missing.
Are my wildcard settings wrong?

Screenshot of the settings attached.
Untitled.jpg (113.09 KiB) Viewed 11643 times
Least Evil Firetrust Employee
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Re: Spam mails hidden and black listed not deleted.

Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:21 am

Yes, if MW is not seeing these, it wont be able to delete OR auto delete them...

If you are not already checking the junk folders, you'll need to set MW to show these and MW can only see other folders than the inbox folder when it checks mail on your ISPs mail server if you setup the email account as IMAP as opposed to POP3 type.

(Note also, I'd recommend you disable the auto delete function for now until you get the issue resolved just in case it catches any good emails)

IF not already using IMAP, (currently using POP):

You can change this within MWpro under Settings>>Accounts, click your email account, click the Incoming tab, and beside "Server Type:" select IMAP in place of POP.

Change the IMAP server to what your ISP recommends.

(NOTE: you can get settings for most ISP's (NOT personal domains though) here: )

Click save to save changes, then select the IMAP tab, click Refresh, and choose your spam or junk mail folders to show in MWpro.

If already using IMAP:

In MWpro click Settings>>Accounts, click your email account, click the IMAP tab, click Refresh, and choose your spam or junk mail folders to show in MWpro.
Rattled Rabbit
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:06 pm

Re: Spam mails hidden and black listed not deleted.

Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:48 pm

Thanks for the response, had MW running so long I have forgotten everything i setup on the old computer and me being me i pulled the drives from the old PC and added them to this new PC so formatted the old ssd with windows on it and all my MW settings.
I am using IMAP and have flagged the folders.

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