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You've GOT to read this! Tech Tattoos: The Good, the Bad, an

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:03 am
by mjp28
Tech Tattoos: The Good, the Bad, and the R U SRS?!
Would you tattoo the Apple Safari logo on your forearm? What about a USB symbol? Get ready to see some of the worst (and best) tech tattoos around.

Sarah Jacobsson, PC World ... u_srs.html

All the Rage: Geeky Tattoos
The great thing about geeks is that we just love our technology--operating systems, consoles, companies, gadgets, game characters--you name it, we adore it, and we want it to be with us forever.

No, really. Some of us want our technology to be with us...forever. If not physically, at least in spirit--inked-on spirit, that is.

One good central repository of tech ink is BMEInk's Geek Tattoo section. I found everything you could imagine there, from messages in binary to Apple logos to IM "heart" symbols. Here are 12 of the top tattoos that caught my eye--for bad and good reasons.

First, let's look at tattoos that make us ask: What were they thinking? (Or drinking?)

All photos: Courtesy of

Re: You've GOT to read this! Tech Tattoos: The Good, the Bad, an

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:23 am
by mjp28
One of the better ones? And on a chick....


Re: You've GOT to read this! Tech Tattoos: The Good, the Bad, an

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:54 pm
by mjp28
Can you picture 25 years from now explaning to your kids when they ask "daddy, what is that?"


USB Symbol
Guy: Hey, baby, let's "transfer some files," if you know what I mean.

Girl: What? Are you trying to pick me up?

Guy: Are you "USB compatible," if you know what I mean?

Girl: This is getting weird.

Guy: No, really, I need to transfer some files and all I have is this USB cord.

Girl: Oh. Well, I'm a FireWire kind of girl. We're not compatible. Should've thought of that before you got that big ol' tattoo, huh?

While a USB symbol as a tattoo doesn’t exactly make sense to me (it's sort of like the power symbol, but with less obvious symbolism), I don't absolutely hate this one. It's a little big, but otherwise well done. It's nicely drawn, and it's black, which is good. Solid black tattoos are chic, and symbols really shouldn’t be done in color. Plus, I'm sure he can use it as a pickup line.